Fr. Heaney


Fr. Heaney 


This is me (Hannah) with Fr. Heaney.

Fr. Heaney is our parish priest.

Sometimes he visits our school.

He talks to the teachers first then he talks to the children.

On special occasions he gives us sweets. He usually gives us Cadburys Roses.

At Christmas Fr. Heaney says Mass for us in school and we sing hymns.

He comes for confessions and communion too. Teacher tells us to call him "Father".

Before communion Fr.Heany gives us a tour all around the church.

Every time he comes he wears dark clothes and a round white collar.

Fr. Heaney drives a VW Golf car.

We asked him what he likes to do in his spare time.

He likes sport, travelling, meeting people and visiting the sick.

We all like him very much.

